Meet CH. Ruthie Sue!

Ruthie Sue started the road to her championship in July 2014. She went to a few shows and won but they were small shows, so only a single points were earned. She was awarded Best Of Breed over 4 specials, out of the classes for a 5 point major!! At her very next show, the 2014 Akita Club of America National Specialty she was awarded Winners Bitch to finish her AKC Championship!!!!!!! To put icing on the cake, the next day under a different judge, she was awarded Best Of Winners!!! It was a moment I will never forget… as long as I live!!! A DREAM COME TRUE!!!!!!!!! Good girl Ruthie Sue!!

We would like to sincerely thank Keith Venezia and Ryan Dillman for allowing this beautiful girl to come live with us! She is truly amazing and we are so excited about her potential in the ring and with our breeding program!

Ruthie is a super sweet girl, dripping with type, an absolutely amazing head, a ton of bone, brilliant red color and very sound movement... what more could anyone ask for?!

Bred by Keith Venezia and Ryan Dillman
Owned by Michelle Moser and Keith Venezia


10/2/2011 Excellent Normal

Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch. Nakodo’s Top Of The Mountain CGC, TDI MBISS AM/CAN CH. Koti's Silver Eclipse of Akiko, RN, CGC, AOM, ROM  CH. Regalia's Dick Tracy
 CH Akikio;s What Not To Luv Koti
BISS AM/CAN CH. Akiko's Chosen by Faith  CH. Regalia's American Emblem
 CH. Akiko Cricket On The Hearth
MBIS/MBISS GCH. Nakodo’s Reign Of Glory AOM, CGC MBISS AM/CAN CH. Koti's Silver Eclipse of Akiko, RN, CGC, AOM, ROM  CH. Regalia's Dick Tracy
 CH Akikio;s What Not To Luv Koti
Akiko Heaven Sent At Nakodo  CH. Akiko's The Torch Bearer
 CH. Akiko's Anything Goes
© Copyright KB7 Akitas - Design by Dog Show Design